Homewood City Schools & Community Partnership

Homewood Helps

Our goal is to ensure every student in Homewood City Schools has a bed and access to enough food.

The Mission of Homewood City schools is to educate and empower all students to maximize their unique potential, and we realize that a good night of sleep and food access are vital to the success of our students in the classroom.  Our hope with this program is to ensure that every student in Homewood City Schools has a bed of their own to sleep on each night and access to enough food outside of school. We accomplish these goals with the support of our amazing Homewood community

Need Assistance?

Register your student to receive a bed and/or enroll in our food program

How Can I Help?

Find ways to volunteer or donate


1 in 4 children in Alabama and 1 in 6 children in Jefferson County are food insecure. This means that 73,000 children in Central Alabama lack consistent access to enough food to live an active, healthy life. Food insecurity can be a temporary situation or can last a long time, but it always causes stress as families navigate limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods.

In the 2022-2023 School Year, 28% of Homewood City School Students received free or reduced lunch. Research shows that the free and reduced lunch program is critical to student health and well-being, reducing food insecurity and obesity rates in students. For some of our families we know that this program meets students’ needs during the school week, but they struggle accessing enough food for the whole family on weekends, holidays, or over the summer.

We know that healthy food is critical for growing bodies, learning new concepts, and creating strong relationships. Ensuring that HCS students have access to enough food will positively impact their physical and mental health, which can also improve school attendance, academic performance, behavior, and concentration.